Beerly Departed - Search The Crypt's Records

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Samuel Adams - Octoberfest

Dead Soldier
Where to Dig Up More About This Beer
Samuel Adams - Octoberfest
Boston Beer Company
Boston, MA USA

Brain Damage Quotient = 5.0 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0 

Postmortem Brew Review
Ruddy amber, almost orange hue.
Pleasant aroma of roasted malts & hops.
Adequate, long lasting head with good lacing.
Medium bodied. 

Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Mmmmm, I thought as I passed the grocer's shelves looking for something different! There it was...the beer that had finally won me over with their "Brewmaster's Collection" that you've seen in my previous posts. I am a fan of 'Marzen' style Oktoberfest beers, so off to the lab to experiment.

At first blush the looks of the color and head were good indications there was another winner in the Sam Adams bunch. Upon tasting, however, I was less than thrilled. Oh, don't get me wrong. It's a fine lager worthy of purchase, but it's either my level of expectation of a Marzen style beer (oh, my favorite) and a bit of how the other Sam beers & ales had recently won me over. I give it a solid "B"...Jim, keep up the good work.

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