Dead Soldier
Fort Collins Brewery - Retro Red
Fort Collins Brewery
1900 East Lincoln Avenue
Fort Collins, CO USA
Est. ????
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.2 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Mahogany with ruby tones on glass edge.
Malt and an earthy smokiness present in the nose, along with some hops.
Foamy off-white head leaving decent amount of lacing.
Medium amount of carbonation.
Carmel malt taste prevails with a nice spicy dry hops finish.
Medium bodied.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Here is a very nice amber style beer that you can enjoy by the wagon load. It's a simple little bottle of malt and a snap of hops to grab your tongue's attention. Short and caramel malt sweet, just like this post.
Hitch yourself to this little red wagon.
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