Beerly Departed - Search The Crypt's Records

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Great Divide - Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

Dead Soldier 
Where to Dig Up More About This Beer
Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout
Great Divide Brewing Company
2201 Arapahoe Street
Denver, CO USA
Est. 1994

Brain Damage Quotient = 9.5 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0 

Postmortem Brew Review
Black in color.
Smell of roast malt, vanilla and oak mingle on the nose.
Thick, rocky caramel colored head.
Lace clings tightly to the side of the glass with each sip.
Roasty malt taste with vanilla, and large hits of hops flavor.
Full bodied and full complex flavors. 

Grim Reaper's Eulogy
This blog post was done live at the first ever Beer Blogger's Conference, held in Boulder Colorado. 108 bloggers were in attendance, from over five hundred identified blogs. Luminaries of the craft beer world also attended to serve as presenters and keynote speakers for the event. A "speed round" of blogging was held by 12 brewers, each bringing an exemplary brew to blog. 12 beers, 12 blogging tables and 60 minutes were allotted in a fun, free-for-all session. 

Round #10

Bryan Baltzell of Great Divide
Bryan Baltzell was the Yeti 'wrangler' from Great Divide, for this round. Oak Aged Yeti, no less. This is a sumptuous Russian Imperial Stout that left an impressive rocky head with some nice lacing on the glass.

Bryan passed a couple of bottles around the table for review while explaining the difference that oak aging makes on this brew, compared to the standard Yeti. I have never tasted either and was looking forward to trying it. After pouring, sniffing, holding it up to light, and swirling the beer, I raised the glass to my lips in great anticipation. Boo-yah!

According to Great Divide, this is a more sophisticated version of the Yeti.  Kinda' sounds like an oxymoron; a sophisticated Yeti?!!? Now I have a picture of Peter Boyle from Young Frankenstein stuck in my head.

Frankenstein in a tuxedo? You bet! It's "Super-DOOPER!"

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