Taps for a Dead Soldier

Blue Point - Hoptical Illusion
Blue Point Brewing Company
161 River Avenue
Patchogue, NY USA
Est. 1998
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.8 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 16.0 (On Tap)
Postmortem Brew Review
Clear amber color.
Pine hops aroma abounds from the glass.
Two finger head that simmers to a cover quickly.
Copious amounts of lace coat the inside of the glass.
Some malt taste, but mostly soft flavorful hops in taste.
Medium body with some modest carbonation.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
The web blurb says this IPA is made with a "special" hop, grown only in Oregon. Hmmm...some mind bending stuff has always come out of the fields of the Great Northwest!
Hoptical Illusion give you all the hops you want in an IPA plus a 6.8% ABV to add to your mind alteration. The ale is well above the middle of the pack for most IPA's. Hoptical Illusion is indeed enjoyable. It is an IPA you can enjoy several of without serious tongue-hop burnout.
It is the second of Blue Point's that I've sampled. I can say they are fast becoming a favorite.
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