Taps for a Dead Soldier

Chimay Tripel (White)
Bieres de Chimay S.A.
Route Charlemagne, 8
6464 Baileux (CHIMAY) Belgium
Est. 1862
Brain Damage Quotient = 8.0 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0 (On Tap)
Postmortem Brew Review
Solid amber color with a slight haze.
Dry spicy hops presence and yeast nose.
Off-white head with lacing that coats the glass.
Head simmers to a wisp.
Mouth feel medium; fruity aftertaste.
Smooth, medium bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Trappist Monks have beer and cheese down pat. Chimay is one of only six Belgian beers that are allowed to carry the "Trappist" designation. Deliciously fruity, this tripel owes its taste to muscat grape and raisin flavors. According to their website, the beer's after bitterness "melts in your mouth." I did not get too much of the aforementioned bitterness, but instead the complex grape scents and aromas. Pleasant indeed.
I was surprised at how balanced all of the components were combined. Even more surprising was how easy they were to pick out in smell and taste. That is the sure sign of a well formulated brew. As usual, I attempt to discover these on my own through the sample first, jotting down flavors and nuances. I always do this before reading the label, the website, or any other tasting notes.
A friendly reminder --- as this beer is at the entry point of a high ABV, you'll want to be sure to sip and enjoy, and not gulp. There is a lot going on in the body, so savor the flavor.
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