Beerly Departed - Search The Crypt's Records

Friday, March 6, 2009


Dead Soldier
Where to Dig Up More About This Beer
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri USA
Est. 1852 

Brain Damage Quotient = 5.0 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0 

Postmortem Brew Review
Clear and yellow in color.
Sweet corn smell.
Thin, fast dissipating head
with minimal to no lacing.
Crisp flavor.

Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Here we indulgence into retro beers, or what I refer to as "Brews from Yester-beer." Okay, I know that's corny, but we begin with a brew that everyone knows...Bud. Once the flagship product of AB, it is now supplanted by Bud Light in production and sales.

This beer is one you will always find available in mass quantity, wherever you are. It is the beer we all reach for in the absence of any real beers. It is old, reliable Bud. Good enough for a softball game, a picnic at the beach or pool, or even at weddings, (and sometimes funerals.) Well okay after the funeral.

What with the beginning of the Lenten season and the poor economy, I decided to indulge a fantasy into what were and in some cases still are some great old beers. Stay tuned...

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