Tin Soldier
Mama's Little Yella Pils
Oskar Blues Brewery LLC
1800 Pike Road
Longmont, CO USA
Est. 1997
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.3 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Vibrant, attention getting hazy yellow color.
Very little aromas, quite puzzling but some faint yeast smells.
One fingered white head, coats the entire glass.
Active carbonation; small bubbles rise from the depths of the glass.
Crisp, dry hop bite at the end of each sip.
Light bodied; very drinkable and refreshing; easy sessionable beer.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
This beer just jumps out at you from the start. The distracting yellow color is eye catching indeed. Its hazy disposition leads me to think it is unfiltered; slightly unusual for a pilsener beer. The way the head lingers and coats the glass with each sip is also a bit uncommon for your average pils, but I guess that's what the folks at OB were aiming for...the unusual.
They are masters at the practice of the unusual and quirky. They've also done it again with this very pleasing refreshing beverage. Try some today and see if you agree.
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